Latvia, Latvia Old town

Latvia the Old town in Modern Time

Latvia the Old town in Modern Time
In the midst of the northern Europe are the Baltic States, one of which is the Republic of Latvia. Latvia is famous throughout the world for being one of those countries that despite being in a modern era still strives to live according to the old times. Reminiscent of which is the old town that contains those buildings and passages that one looks over to and wonders if they were the inspiration to the poets and artists of the medieval times. With its temperate climate, thick lush green forests and colorful buildings, Latvia still manages to transfix those who come to visit this place.

Beet soup, fish, potatoes and meat are one of the main important features that make up the Latviancuisine. Due to its location at the Baltic Sea fish is considered a staple among the crowd. As one moves around the bazaars the smell of the freshly brewed coffee, or that straight from oven bread and cakes are overly engaging and equally mouth watering, Latvia is known for producing one of the best breads in the whole world.

Among all the countries of Europe little is known about Latvia. Latviaholds a lot of its roots to Russia and hence many people speak Russian and follow Russian traditions. The karosta prison is one such example of it. The prison that was initially built to become a hospital eventually was turned into military prison by the soviets. Now, as tourists, you get to experience what the disobedient soldiers used to get in that prison. It is an interesting place to visit and that’s why flocks of tourists come from all over the world to re live what happened in history. The freedom monument is what the statue of liberty is to the New York City or what the statue of Jesus is to the city of Rio de jeaneries. Gigantic, historic, and beautiful, this piece of art still stays erect and is severely guarded although open to tourists.

One of the best hotels to stay in Latvia is the Hotel Bergs; it is a refurbished manor house that is now used as a hotel. Everything in it, from the rooms, to the hallways is luxurious. Latvia along with all other Baltic states is considered by many as one of the most beautiful however lest known countries in the world. This however is good for you as a tourists as you will see less people around you and you can easily enjoy the landscape and the buildings reminiscent of old times.

